For further enquiries, please fill up
call +65 6978 7804.
For Application, please fill up the ENROLMENT FORM

Mamre Oaks aims to serve:
All adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities who are currently not attending special school / sheltered workshop / day activities centre / open employment.
Aged 16 years and above.
Fairly independent in mobility and daily living skills, for example, feeding and personal grooming.
Low tendency of leaving without permission or running away.
Mild tendencies towards aggressive, destructive or injurious behaviour.​
The member must be in remission if diagnosed with any mental health condition.
Transport is subjected to availability. Applicable only to non-independent travellers.
The centre is opened to all who are suitable regardless of race and religion.
Strongly encourage all visitors to ensure that they do not have any Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) symptom before and during the visit.
We seek your kind understanding and patience.